
On the homepage of Michael Schmiedecke.
I live in Mittenwalde near Berlin, Germany

On the following pages I present my hobbies, report a little on it and present my favorite link on other web pages - of part professional and part to pages of hobby friends who are at least as interesting, however, therefore!
A lot of enjoyment!

Flying - I fly touring motorgliders and ultra light. A small experience report, link and more on my airman's page. (only german)
I am interested in everything what has to do flying - co airman would please me about contacts and perhaps also.
Especially gladly I go to Unterwössen (Upper Bavaria) to fly there motorgliders in the Mountains (Alpen).

Shellac records and gramophones about my shellac-records and gramophone collection (most parts in english)

Astronomy - I has a small observatory in which at the moment a 80 mm Refractor on Zeiss 1-b mounting stands. In addition a 120 mm of Newton-telescope exists also. However, the mirror must be aluminized again. The astronomy is a rather resting hobby for me at the moment - however, I would be glad about contacts - I would place at disposal for serious prospective customers my observatory occasionally. More on my astronomy-page. (only german)
Videos to the eclipse in Mexico in 1991 and pictures of the eclipse in Bavaria 1999! (only german) 

Lizzy and Lukas - the house-cats

e-mail: MSchmiedecke

Indication to linked pages:
Herewith I strictly dissociate myself from the contents of the pages linked from me. Their contents are only answered exclusively by the respective operator. They return neither absolutely my opinion, nor I do to me these opinions absolutely to own.
To Mittenwalde, 4/6/2001, M. Schmiedecke